About the EFLC

The W.S. Lee College of Engineering Learning Community (EFLC) offers students a unique opportunity to start strong on their path to an Engineering degree. With the challenge of a rigorous curriculum, the first year of college can be very demanding. Students are supported and learn what it takes to achieve excellence within a tight-knit community of persevering peers who share common goals and interests.
The Engineering FLC is open to all traditional freshmen who have been accepted to the W.S. Lee College of Engineering. It is a residential program. Students accepted to the Engineering FLC live on the first and second floors of Hawthorn Hall for two semesters (fall and spring).
The Engineering FLC offers suite living in Hawthorn Hall. Each 4-person suite has two bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room. The basement has a laundry room, game room/TV area, and a full-size classroom that houses our Creativity Lab. During Summer 2016 and Summer 2017, Hawthorn Hall underwent renovations of all student rooms and throughout the building.

The Engineering FLC supports students’ success by offering programming targeted to support three key areas:
- Learning about the profession
- Developing the skills it takes to be a successful College of Engineering student
- Building a sense of community
Fall Schedule for EFLC students will include ENGR 0600 Seminar Class for the EFLC and ENGR 1201 EFLC only section (for those with a qualifying Math Level). Do not remove yourself from these pre-registered courses. If you have questions, attend an Engineering Registration Support session and speak with an advisor.

Activities and field trips specifically geared to the young men and women of the EFLC are available and encouraged. Examples of activities include:
- ENGR 0600 Seminar Course for EFLC members with weekly guest speakers
- Interview an Engineer program which brings alumni engineers from a variety of fields to the ENGR 0600 class to discuss their experiences and recommendations
- Field trips to engineering-related sites
- Life Takes Engineering with Strong Women luncheon hosted by local engineering companies
- Creativity Lab in the basement of Hawthorn Hall with 3D printers, laser cutter, and tools
- Community Design Challenges with big prizes!
- University Center for Academic Excellence (UCAE) workshop on study skills
- Utilizing a Job Fair workshop hosted by the University Career Center
- Free tutoring for your freshman courses!